Miller Cabin
Tuesday evenings at 7:30 at the Joaquin Miller Cabin in Rock Creek Park, Picnic Area #6, Beach Drive at Military Road Overpass. Sign up for opening reading at 7:15 pm. For more information and rain location, call Kathi Morrison-Taylor at 703-820-8113.
Join us this Tuesday for another night out at the Miller Cabin! Featured readers for Tuesday, June 29th are:
Traci Brimhall, author of the forthcoming book Rookery, has published poems in New England Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, The Missouri Review, Kenyon Review Online, FIELD, Gettysburg Review, Indiana Review and Southern Review, among others. She teaches creative writing at Western Michigan University beginning this fall.
Charles Jensen is the author of three chapbooks and one full-length book of poetry, The First Risk. In addition to writing poetry, he is the founding editor of a poetry magazine, and is pursuing a second master's degree in Nonprofit Leadership and Management.